Monday, January 27, 2020

Our IVF announcement

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We wanted to share with you, our family and friends, the journey we are about to begin. We don’t believe in keeping secrets or struggling in silence...So we’re putting it out there in the hope we are surrounded by your love and support. 

This month, after many years of trying on our own, Michael and I will begin our first round of IVF. Infertility is such a taboo subject and can be such a lonely place for those of us who struggle. It’s hard not to feel broken when you can’t DO something that is supposed to be the most primal, natural thing ever. It is straining... not only as an individual but on a whole relationship. Planning, charting, timing, testing... not only removes spontaneity and romance, but invites pressure, bitterness and disappointment. Sometimes it’s hard not to feel like you’re going crazy. Depression creeps in as your biological clock ticks. You start planning your life around “what if’s” and “when I am”.  You put off travel in hopes that “by then”. You envy friends who made it happen before you.... sometimes multiple times... and you’re still waiting for just those two pink lines. (Let us just say however we are THRILLED when a family member or friend welcomes a squishy new baby for us to snuggle. We are firm believers that our time will come, and someone else having a baby does NOT take one away from us.)

If sharing our story can help just one person, just one couple not feel alone on their journey, we’ve done our part. Infertility affects 1 in 8. Chances are you know many people who are struggling... in silence. Your cool friends living their best life, those two who would just make great parents, or even a newly wed couple that haven’t even thought about trying yet. 

As much as possible we’ll keep you up to date on our journey... we’re going in optimistic, while still realizing that this may not be the cure all or the end of our road. Please keep us in your hearts and help us pray for our miracle... With hope, faith and a little help from science. 

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